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                                                                                      Call us today 0115 944 0434


Multi-purpose shelving systems full of advantages:
›› NSF accreditation
›› ESD Compliant with optional
accessories - call for details
›› Bolt free assembly
›› Fully adjustable
›› Easy to clean
›› 300kg shelf loading
›› Static or mobile options
›› New extra hard wearing Chrome finish

Perma Plus

  • With the added bonus of an anti bacterial additive that will help fight the build up of germs & improve hygiene standards, making it an ideal system for:
  • Catering
  • Medical authorities & hospitals
  • Food production
  • Walk-in freezers & cold rooms
  • Damp & corrosive environments

Eclipse Shelving - Perma Plus

5 Day Despatch
SKU Description Price (ex VAT) Qty  
EPP32 Shelf Length mm: 760
Depth mm: 305
EPP40 Shelf Length mm: 460
Depth mm: 610
EPP37 Shelf Length mm: 915
Depth mm: 305
EPP35 Shelf Length mm: 760
Depth mm: 305
EPP36 Shelf Length mm: 915
Depth mm: 355
EPP43 Shelf Length mm: 760
Depth mm: 460
EPP34 Shelf Length mm: 1070
Depth mm: 305
EPP38 Shelf Length mm: 1220
Depth mm: 305
EPP47A Shelf Length mm: 610
Depth mm: 610
EPP44 Shelf Length mm: 915
Depth mm: 460
EPP33 Shelf Length mm: 1070
Depth mm: 355
EPP30 Shelf Length mm: 1220
Depth mm: 355
EPP47 Shelf Length mm: 760
Depth mm: 610
EPP51 Shelf Length mm: 1070
Depth mm: 460
EPP39 Shelf Length mm: 1370
Depth mm: 355
EPP45 Shelf Length mm: 1220
Depth mm: 460
EPP54 Shelf Length mm: 1070
Depth mm: 610
EPP41 Shelf Length mm: 1520
Depth mm: 355
EPP53 Shelf Length mm: 1370
Depth mm: 460
EPP49 Shelf Length mm: 1220
Depth mm: 610
EPP42 Shelf Length mm: 1820
Depth mm: 355
EPP46 Shelf Length mm: 1520
Depth mm: 460
EPP56 Shelf Length mm: 1370
Depth mm: 610
EPP50 Shelf Length mm: 1520
Depth mm: 610
EPP52 Shelf Length mm: 1820
Depth mm: 460
EPP55 Shelf Length mm: 1820
Depth mm: 610